Swashbuckler films are a subgenre of the action film genre, often characterised by swordfighting and adventurous heroic characters, known as swashbucklers. Real historical events often feature prominently in the plot, morality is often clear-cut, heroic characters are clearly heroic and even villains tend to have a code of honour (although this is not always the case). There is often a damsel in distress and a romantic element. - Wikipedia.

CAPTAIN KIDD - Watch it NOW, 100% Ad Free

Piracy on the high seas, buried treasure, marooned men, betrayal and thirsty revenge is what you will enjoy in this adventure story. 

"In this unhistorical account, Capt. William Kidd is already a clever, ruthless pirate when, in 1699, he tricks the king into commissioning him as escort for a treasure ship from India. He enlists a crew of pardoned cutthroats...and Orange Povey, whom Kidd once abandoned on a reef and hoped never to see again. Of course, Kidd's intentions are treacherous. But there's more to gunner Adam Mercy than meets the eye". Written by Rod Crawford, IMDB.


Drama, Romance, Comedy, Swashbuckling: The well-known classic story of Cyrano's unrequited love for his beloved Roxane has never been told better than in this movie. The acting is well above the usual standard with poor Cyrano going through a wild ride of emotions as he suffers the indignities of having the misfortune of being born with a comically large nose. His love for Roxane is deep and true but she loves another man and Cyrano retreats from the prospect of competing for her affections. Instead he, unbelievably, focuses his attention on helping Roxane unite with this young buck that she desires. Sword fights ensue! WATCH CYRANO de BERGERAC NOW, WITHOUT COMMERCIALS.