In Detour, Al Roberts (Tom Neal) just wants to see his girl again. He wants to be with her so much that he is hitchhiking across the country to get to her so that he can be by her side. Luck seems to be with him when Charles Haskell, Jr. (Edmund MacDonald) picks him up and gives the tired and disheveled Al a ride. But this is a noir tale so dark fate hounds Al at every turn. Haskell suddenly dies and calamity follows when Al, worried that it might look like murder, decides to dispose of Haskell's body. Doomed to a ruinous path, Al's fate gets even worse when he picks up another hitchhiker, Vera. The worst move he could have possibly made.

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The friendly fellows at Film Noir (on Youtube) shared this cool trailer for the film that gives you a pretty good idea what kind of ride you are in for. After watching this movie I am pretty sure that you will never hitchhike anywhere ever again. And you will be extra wary of any dame you meet called Vera. She's a femme fatale i this movie that is very hard to forget.

Look at the slideshow gallery of screen captures from Detour below. The photos tell the story in vivid snapshots of the doomed pair. Very has the look of crazy about her that is so intense that she is almost hard to look at.
Poor old Al has what can only be described as the best face in film noir. His anguished look of tormented misery is poignantly powerful.



Joseph Logsdon, with his usual insight and frankness, introduces us to the rough and raw film noir, Detour. Like one of those straight talking detectives who narrates us down the dark and deadly alleys of a brutal concrete jungle, Logsdon holds nothing back. He surprised me by making some observations about how life was different back in the 1940's in America.

If you ever had any doubts about watching this classic B-film, you'll be excited to turn it on by the time you've listened to all Logsdon has to say in his video review here.


The convertible is a Lincoln Continental but the year of it is ambiguous. In front views it's a 1941 model and also in some rear views, but in other rear views and in a side view, it's a 1942. Watch for the differing tail lights.


Was the first "B" movie chosen by the Library of Congress for its National Film Registry, in 1992. Also the first Hollywood "Noir" honored.


Digitally restored to give you the enhanced viewing experience that you deserve. Take a look at the customer reviews by people who have already bought this edition and see what they have to say about it. CLICK HERE to read the feedback.


Genre: Film Noir.

Director: Edgar G. Ulmer.

Writers: Martin Goldsmith (screenplay), Martin Goldsmith (original story)

Music: Leo Erdody

Release Date: November 15, 1945 (Boston, Massachusetts) November 30, 1945 (limited)

Studio / Distributed By: Producers Releasing Corporation

Running Time: 68 minutes.

Starring: Tom Neal, Ann Savage.


What Makes Detour So Great

Anyone familiar with film noir will fervently espouse that Ulmer's Detour (1954) is a formidable giant that stands shoulder to shoulder with the best films of the genre. The events in the story are so compelling that we are dragged through the distressing persecution inflicted on poor Al. We suffer right along side of him, feeling every ounce of his anguish as painfully as he does.

We have all heard it before, but in Detour it is genuinely true that it is the actor's performances that set this movie apart and above the others. Ann Savage as Vera is frightening in her mentally unbalanced behavior. Her crazy-eyed look makes you tremble with foreboding that she just might snap at any second and go into some mad attack mode. She is truly a femme fatale to be respected.

Ann Savage interview with cable TV host Skip E Lowe. All too often interviews like this can be boring with safe questions and even safer answers. This interview with the "Perfect Vixen", Ann Savage, is not like that at all. Ann, in her later years here, is candid and speaks her mind openly, telling us about how she earned the label "the meanest woman in film history (on screen)." She talks frankly about her experiences as a young actress in a Hollywood that is only interested in beautiful, dolled-up cheesecakes while she enjoyed playing the trampy Vera in Detour. Ann doesn't shy from any question and gives her answers without any hesitation or posing. She holds nothing back when she talks about her co-star Tom Neal, his personal life and the troubles that he suffered.
We are treated to several clips from the 1945 film noir classic, Detour, the first of which is a humorous surprise. The second piece is a wonderful snippet that showcases Ann's fierce talent that helped to make this low-budget B-movie a cult classic.
With refreshing self-awareness Ann talks about her long-term marriage, her regrets and who her favorite director was to work with. She gives her genuine opinion about what she thinks of movies today and if she still goes to the cinema to watch today's films. She even answers questions regarding writing a book about her own life.


I should warn you not to watch this conversation before you have watched the movie Detour because Ann is such a warm, friendly lady that you will find it hard to match her up as being the same tough talking, hard bitten broad you see on the screen. The difference between who she is as a person and who she portrays as Vera is a testimony to her powerful talent and will definitely impress you.

Youtuber maxflower13 shared this nice, little clip of Ann Savage talking about making Detour. She adds an interesting story about her look in the film and, funnily enough, her hair. The director, Edgar G. Ulmer, apparently wasn't pleased with the look of what the hair and make-up team had done with Ann's look and had them make some impromptu changes. The results were a perfect mess. Watch the video to see what I mean.


This is one of my all time favorite movies and I have a lot to share with you about it so anticipate the updates that will be coming to this Detour dedication page soon.