Contact Us / Newsletter

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.


You can also go directly to the Harem Cinema Facebook page and share your thoughts, Ideas and suggestions there too! CLICK HERE.

I love movies and if you could see my movie library you would know exactly how much I love them. I created Harem Cinema because I wanted to have my own movie room anywhere I went. And that's what I want for you. 

Please use the comments or Contact form on this page to give me your thoughts on how Harem could be better. 


Don't miss out on a show by signing up for the Harem Newsletter. I don't sell or share your information but if you are paranoid about that kind of thing (like I am myself) then use a burner email account. Just make sure you click the button on the Contact form (left) that says 'Please send me the NEWSLETTER.'