About Harem Cinema

Going to the movies is a real pleasure that we all enjoy. We sit in comfortable chairs as the lights dim and the movie flickers to life right before us. It's an experience that always excites us as we wait for the film to begin and our anticipation builds. We know we will remember what is about to happen and it fills us with an intoxicating mixture of happiness and satisfaction. We unconsciously lean forward and our eyes open wider and we feel the world around us fade away as the moving pictures on the silver screen flicker into being. There's nothing better. Going to the movies is great.
I love going to the cinema. Sometimes I get really lucky and there is no one else there so I have the place all to myself. No noisy eaters. No screaming kids. No irritating phone users or texters. Just me and the movie. That's what going to the movies should be like. And that's what Harem Cinema gives you, your personal experience with the film. 
Harem respects your appreciation of watching films and we work hard to elevate your movie watching as much as we possibly can. We start by giving you the most comfortable and relaxing theater of all, your own home. Or even the home of a close friend where you gather to share the movie experience. It's so much wonderfully better because now you can recline in your favorite seat and you won't have to pay a small fortune for any snacks from the lobby cantina. You can just raid your own store of delicious booty that you stocked up on for movie night.
So settle back in your best chair, grab your snacks and enjoy a wonderful night at the cinema, at home.

Under Construction

Harem Cinema is always working on improving the entertainment services it provides to it's patrons so please forgive any work in progress construction that might get in your way from time to time. Feel free and invited to report anything that either needs work or isn't working by using the Contact form here. Likewise, if you have any suggestions that would make things better for our viewers, we are all eager ears and waiting to hear what you have to say.

Thank you for visiting with us and for being a loyal friend.

Come back again soon.

Please Help

Harem Cinema tries hard to impress you, our fellow film fans, by giving you the best movie experience that we can. It's a group effort that keeps getting better and better as we grow because our loyal viewers donate their time and their efforts to helping make Harem the private cinema that they want for themselves. We have viewers who create reviews, trailers, art and all kinds of things that they think their fellow fans will enjoy. Growing Harem Cinema is a lot of work and I'd like to ask you all for your help doing it. Here's some ways that you can help:


ART - Got some art you think we should share on the HC site? Great! Let us know about it and let's make it happen. I have seen some amazing fan art that I know other viewers just like you and me would love to have and enjoy for themselves.


ARTICLES - We are always looking for interesting articles about our favorite movies, stars and other things to enrich our movie experiences. If you have an article that you think others will enjoy, share it on HC. Especially if you, or someone you know wrote it. We LOVE to know what our viewers are thinking.


BOOKS - Films aren't just about watching the movie. Our experience doesn't just suddenly end when the movie stops playing. That's the whole point of Harem Cinema, that's why I built it. To expand the film watching experience beyond the always too-short length of the movie itself. Books about the movie or how it got made and things like that help us re-live, re-experience and re-appreciate our favorite films in an entirely new way. Know of a book you think the rest of us should know about too? TELL US! You might even want to sell your own book here and that's fine too! Just tell us about it.


COMMENTARIES - I nearly always have a movie commentary running. How often do I listen to them? I am listening to one right now, even as I write this article. In fact, it is a commentary recorded by one of Harem Cinema's fans and they would like me to post it on the dedication page so you can hear it too. If you have a commentary that you would like to share, send me the information and we can go about making that happen. It doesn't even have to be a full, feature length commentary!


DVDs (etc) - The internet is a wonderful thing because it let's me, share my favorite movies with other fans and helps me meet new friends. But I still have thousands of DVDs, VHS tapes and even other formats because, having your, personal movie library is just plain cool. Share a link to your favorite DVD or sell yours if (like me) you happen to have multiple copies of a movie.


POSTERS - I have an entire room dedicated to movie posters but, no matter how many I collect, there never seems to be enough good ones out there for me to get. Share your favorite posters with us, especially if you are an artist and created it yourself.


REVIEWS - I like reading movie reviews, listening to them and watching video reviews about films and so do our viewers so share what you have! If you have a review that you think your fellow movie appreciators would also like, send it over. It might be a link or even a file that you want to share with us. Got an opinion about a movie or a star or a director, writer or something else? Write or record your own review and we can post it for other fans to enjoy too.


TRAILERS - If you have a trailer or know of a trailer that you think should be included on the HC site, send us a link and let us know! Some of our fans even cut their own trailers and we use those too!



Please Invite Friends

We at Harem Cinema are trying our best to give you an experience that is so good, you'll want to tell all of your friends about it. We put a lot of time and effort into HC so please let us know that we are doing it right by telling all of your friends about us. Invite anyone you know that you think will enjoy having their own private viewing experience. It's simple to help, just click the buttons below and suggest to your friends, family and co-workers that they check us out.